Goddess Evolution Theory Nail Basic Care

As a little friend who loves to learn, Kako always bites her nails every time she thinks about a problem. Although this is not a disease, she can't stop at all. Until one day, Ma Ma said: How come your nails were bitten by a pig~ Pig. bite. Up. Up. Up. . . I was hurt by ten thousand points on a black line. I made up my mind to study nail protection Dafa with great concentration. From then on, I went to the pinnacle of life and became the winner of life. Ahahahahaha, of course, this is just my imagination.

So today I’m going to talk to you about the parts that have never been mentioned before in the theory of evolution: nail

Photo source: nail care

Whenever I suggest to the girl around me to take care of her nails, someone will always ask whether nail art will hurt the nails. My male ticket does not like it. ╮(╯▽╰)╭. First of all, we have to make it clear that nail art and care are different. The purpose of care is to be healthy and beautiful, and it will not make too much modification to the nails.
Photo source:nail polish

Healthy nails have smooth and soft skin around the nail, the nail bed is rosy, tough, smooth and shiny, and the thickness is moderate. If you have healthy nails, please continue to take good care of her: clean and clean your fingers; apply hand cream, nails and skin need moisturizing and moisturizing; forging! Practice! body! Body, nails will directly reflect a person’s physical condition.

Standards for healthy nails

Healthy nails have smooth and soft skin around the nail, the nail bed is rosy, tough, smooth and shiny, and the thickness is moderate. If you have healthy nails, please continue to take good care of her: clean and clean your fingers; apply hand cream, nails and skin need moisturizing and moisturizing; forging! Practice! body! Body, nails will directly reflect a person’s physical condition.

Photo source:nail

Care of problem nails

However, most people's nails have some small problems, so how to maintain these different problems?

Nails have vertical lines

Photo source: Nails

Reason: This may not only be a problem of nail care, it may be some nutrients such as iron deficiency, folic acid, protein, etc.

Solution: If the symptoms are mild, you can use a polishing strip to lightly polish, and then apply nail polish for maintenance; eat a balanced diet, eat some food that supplements the above nutrients, such as eggs, pork liver, and so on.

Brittle nails and break easily

Reasons: excessive nail trimming, frequent manicure, lack of water in the nails, or lack of vitamin A (helps to produce protein, an important part of nails), lack of vitamin B7 (helps nail growth and firmness)

Solution: Let your nails rest for a while~ Don't do manicure for now, and be sure to apply hand cream after washing your hands. Eat more foods that supplement vitamins, such as peanuts, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, and so on.

Nail valgus

Photo source: Nail valgus

Reasons:  iron deficiency, calcium deficiency or trace elements.

Solution: iron and calcium supplementation (it is so straightforward) to see a doctor in serious cases.

Long barbs

Photo source: Long barbs

  The perithyroid skin is too dry Or chemical damage (soap, detergent) Or physical damage (too much work, 嘤嘤~) The perithyroid skin is very thin, no sebaceous glands, lack of hair follicles, inflammation, chemical irritation, allergic reactions Common entrance. Excessive drying of the stratum corneum of the skin will produce barbs. Soap, detergent or physical friction will cause the stratum corneum to lose its protection. Dryness and peeling will also produce barbs due to excessive evaporation of water.

Solution: Remember to wear gloves when doing work o(╯□╰)o If you cannot avoid it, do a good job of moisturizing. The skin around the nails is very thin. Apply hand cream immediately after washing your hands (yes, apply hand cream, even though I I've said it three times, but I still~ want~ say~) It can protect the moisturized stratum corneum.

A magical thing about Amway: finger oil

finger oil

Finger edge oil has the effect of nourishing and moisturizing. Applying it between the nail and the nail skin can soften the nail skin, so that the skin around the nail can be fully nourished, and prevent the formation of barbs and white marks on the joint between the nail and the nail. appear. After application, massage gently to absorb the nail

White spots on nails

Photo source: white spots nail

Reason: Most of the nail roots are damaged, that is, the white spots you see now may have been bumped two months ago ╮(╯▽╰)╭ The nail root is the place where the nail is formed. If it is damaged, it will affect the nail. The formation of white spots.

Solution: Wait for it to grow. Please pay attention to your own health problems.


Regular nail trimming can not only look good, but also prevent some physical damage.


Generally speaking, the circulatory cycle of the skin is 28 days. The stratum corneum will naturally fall off with the metabolism. If the cells are too late to detach, they will accumulate on the surface of the skin and form old dead skin cells, which are dead skin. If you don't pay attention to the hand armor, it is easy to form dead skin.

Photo source:Manicure

If you have not been to the dead skin before and the area around your nails feels hard, you can use angle pliers to remove the dead skin.

Soak your hands in warm water for 15 minutes, use angle leather pliers to reduce the dead skin and barbs near the nails. Be sure to choose a sharp angle leather pliers and cut directly. Do not pull, do not pull, do not Pull, or you will hurt your heart (don’t ask how I know, I don’t want to say).

But usually the cutin next to the nail is very fragile. The cuticle can prevent bacteria from entering the nail bed and is a barrier to protect the nail from infection, so don't clean the cuticle excessively. Generally speaking, if the nails and cuticles are taken care of every day, the normal metabolism of the nails will not accumulate a lot of dead skin.

When it comes to removing dead skins, a question arises, whether to remove the nails, or whether to push the nails back?

But in daily care, it is best not to do this, as this will destroy the physiological function of the nail. Nail skin is a thin layer of skin under the nail that protects the nail matrix, which has the effect of preventing the invasion of germs and foreign bodies. If the nail skin is removed or pushed back, the nail matrix will lose its protection. Bacteria can easily enter the skin and make the subcutaneous tissue red and swollen. If the infection is serious, it will quickly become purulent and form paronychia.

If the nail skin has shrunk or disappeared, soak your fingers in warm water for 10-15 minutes a day, dry them gently with a hot towel, and then apply nourishing cream to massage your fingers to promote the re-growth of the nail skin.

Choose a good quality nail clippers and strips

The standard of good quality nail clippers: effortless and sharp. Inspection method: Use a nail clipper to cut the copy paper to make it feel light and light;

Frustration: When rubbing gently on the skin and feeling that the abrasiveness is rougher than the skin, it exceeds the bearing capacity of natural nails. What the hell are those who use nail files to saw on the nails like a saw~ Please use one Soft frustrations to manicure

Choose the appropriate frustration strip model. The model of the frustration strip represents the density of the frosted particles contained in the square inch area. The higher the particle density, the larger the size and the softer the bar. The lower the particle density, the smaller the size of the strip, the stronger the abrasion performance. If you use an over-abrasive file to repair natural nails, the nail keratin fiber will break and fall off.

When trimming, do not wear back and forth between the front and back of the natural nail surface or the front edge of the nail. This will damage the nail root and methyl group, causing the nail to break or peel off from the nail bed. After finishing the sharpening, hold the file obliquely and gently polish the front edge of the nail. It can eliminate rough edges and prevent the rough edges of nails from peeling off after being stressed.

All Photo Source: Pxhere

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